We're lame and never did take a photo... so here is one of Olivia and me at the beautiful shower that Becky, Monica (and the girls) threw!
How far along? 32 weeks, size of a squash!
Total weight gain: 26 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Still not great. It's God's way of preparing me right?
Best moment this week: Our ultrasound!! Got to see little peanut! She was measuring 3lbs 9oz. We were hoping to get a great 3d/4d photo, but as soon as the technician switched wands, she buried her head into my hip. What a little diva!!
Have you told family and friends? Yep.
Miss Anything? My pre-pregnancy body.
Cravings? Cereal. Ice Cream.
Movement? Yep!
Anything making you queasy or sick? No
Have you started to show yet? There is no hiding this bump.
Gender: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding Ring on or off? On
Symptoms: A little bit of reckless leg in the evenings. Urge to pee is constant. Feeling much more out of breath lately!
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